
2023 iThome 鐵人賽



1.首頁功能設計: main.dart


1.首頁功能設計: main.dart

(1)下方使用一個 NavigationBar,將該App三大功能分別建置在三個介面: Disease, Medicine, Records,每個介面會提供不同資訊與功能。




(1) void main() 為程式起始點

  • 是一個在 Dart 語言中用於定義應用程式進入點的特殊函式簽名,main 函式是 Dart 應用程式的進入點,它不返回任何值。

(2) 又包含了三個類別,以下為這三個類別的概略敘述:

  • MyApp 提供了全域設定
  • MyHomePage 提供了一個可以變更狀態的框架
  • MyHomePageState 則維護和更新那些狀態,使得 UI 可以對用戶的互動做出回應。



是一個 StatelessWidget,表示它不會改變狀態。這個類別用 build 方法來產生 MaterialApp,並設定了一些全域的設定(如:主題色彩與主頁面)。其中的 ThemeData 定義了全域主題,而 home 則指定了應用程式啟動時首先會顯示的視窗(在這裡是 MyHomePage)。

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {  // It is a StatelessWidget, indicating that it does not change state.
  const MyApp({super.key});

  // This widget is the root of your application.
  // This class uses the build method to generate a MaterialApp and configure some global settings such as theme colors and the main page.
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(  // Defined a global theme
        colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.pinkAccent),  // Theme colors
        useMaterial3: true,
      home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),  // It specifies the initial window that will be displayed when the application is launched, in this case, the MyHomePage


是一個 StatefulWidget,表示它的部分資料可能改變,並且該改變會影響到該元件的 UI。這個類別包含了一個 title 屬性,這是一個從父元件傳遞下來並且不會變更的字串。它還定義了 createState 方法,該方法會回傳一個MyHomePageState 物件,該物件維護了與 MyHomePage 有關的狀態。

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {  // It is a StatefulWidget, indicating that some of its data can change, and those changes will affect the UI of the component
  const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title});
  // This widget is the home page of your application. stateful, meaning that it has a State object (defined below)
  // that contains fields that affecthow it looks.

  // This class is the state configuration, holding values (like the title in this case) provided by the parent (the App widget), used by the State's build method. Fields in a Widget subclass are always marked as "final".
  // This class includes a 'title' property, a string passed down from the parent component, which remains unchanged.
  final String title;

  // Defines the createState method, which returns a MyHomePageState object responsible for maintaining the state associated with MyHomePage
  // The method returns a MyHomePageState object that manages the state associated with MyHomePage.
  MyHomePageState createState() => MyHomePageState();


是一個 State 類別,它包含了 MyHomePage 的狀態。在這裡,它有一個 currentPageIndex 屬性,該屬性保留了當前選擇的頁面索引。build 方法建立了一個 Scaffold,包括一個 NavigationBar 和三個 Container 頁面。當在 NavigationBar 選擇不同的選項時,currentPageIndex 會變更,並刷新 UI 以顯示對應的頁面。

class MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  int currentPageIndex = 0;

  // Define pages here.
  final List<Widget> _pages = <Widget>[  // use the final keyword if your list is not going to change after initialization.
    const DiseasePage(),  // First button on the homepage: Disease, interface when clicked.
    const DrugHomePage(title: 'Drug List'), // Second button on the homepage: Medicine, interface when clicked, presented using DrugHomePage()
    const ScorePage(),  // Third button on the homepage: Records, interface when clicked, presented using ScorePage()

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {  // The build method, which is called when the UI needs to be redrawn
    return Scaffold(  // Scaffold is a fundamental UI structure provided by Flutter, encompassing elements such as the App Bar, Body area, and Bottom Navigation Bar
      bottomNavigationBar: NavigationBar(  // bottomNavigationBar: A bottom navigation bar displayed at the bottom of the Scaffold, used for navigating between different pages.
// The NavigationBar is a custom widget responsible for displaying various options in the bottom navigation bar.
// Each option includes an icon and a label, and can display a different icon when selected.
        onDestinationSelected: (int index) {
          setState(() {
            currentPageIndex = index;
        }, // When a certain option in the bottom navigation bar is selected, the onDestinationSelected method is called, triggering a state update that sets the currentPageIndex to the selected index, facilitating the transition to the corresponding page.
        selectedIndex: currentPageIndex,  // The selectedIndex attribute is used to specify the currently selected option index
        destinations: const <Widget>[
            selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.ads_click), // The image changes after being clicked
            icon: Icon(Icons.sick),
            label: 'Disease',
            selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.ads_click), // The image changes after being clicked
            icon: Icon(Icons.medication_liquid),
            label: 'Medicine',
            selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.ads_click), // The image changes after being clicked.
            icon: Icon(Icons.event_note),
            label: 'Records',
      // The `body` is used to specify the content of the main page.
      // `_pages` is a list containing different page contents, and currentPageIndex is used to index this list to display the currently selected page
      body: Stack(children: [_pages[currentPageIndex],


How far you can go and the life you can lead depend on yourself.

{{ item.channelVendor }} {{ item.webinarstarted }} |
{{ formatDate(item.duration) }}

